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APS All Stars Announced for September 2023

Each month, five employees from around APS are recognized for going above and beyond to foster the best learning environment for all our students. Now in its third year, the nationally award-winning APS All Stars program recognizes these outstanding employees for September 2023.

APS All Stars demonstrate excellence in collaboration, equity, inclusivity, integrity, innovation and stewardship. They are the members of your team who are the first to pitch in, who bring a positive attitude to their work, and go above and beyond to support their colleagues, and to serve students and families. They also embrace the mission and vision of APS to ensure all students learn and thrive in safe, healthy and supportive learning environments.

Sheri Sharwarko



Passionate, Dedicated, Thoughtful, Smart, Scientific

Ms. Sharwarko’s eyes light up anytime a science topic is brought up. She will happily spend time with teachers planning engaging science lessons. She pursues projects that extend student learning that she knows kids will get excited about. Ms. Sharwarko is fantastic about being inclusive of ALL students in classes that come to her Science special. She spends countless hours and even her planning time working with teachers and students. She knows about all things from plants and animals to rocks and light. She knows what materials are needed and has them ready. Her wisdom and passion are irreplaceable!

Lirma Tapia Quiroz


Dependable, Considerate, Hard-Working, Teammate, Kind

Ms. Tapia Quiroz joined our team two years ago and has been a great addition to the Nottingham Community. This summer she has really shown leadership and commitment to our school. Some unforeseen circumstances required Lirma to be on her own for two weeks this summer. Not only did she need to complete the required steps/ tasks to prepare the building for staff and students, but she also maintained it for our summer camps and adult education classes.

There were moments when she was found scrubbing the floors of the gym, or wiping the windows to a crystal-clean shine. She worked tirelessly all alone and always with a smile on her face! When her counterparts returned, the building was in great shape and we were ready to wax the floors and finalize the facilities with ample time before teachers report! THANK GOODNESS for Ms. Tapia Quiroz!

Ellen Smith

Dorothy Hamm


Caring, Kind, Passionate, Dedicated, Impactful

Ms. Smith is a dynamic leader who is committed to students’ learning and well-being. She cares deeply about her school community and opens her heart to any child and family who walks through her door. She sees her students for the gems and gifts that they are and truly sees her service to students as a privilege. She never questions or doubts how much a child can achieve but readily rolls up her sleeves to make magic happen.

Brian Hicks


Courageous, Insightful, Compassionate, Caring, Intentional

Mr. Hicks is in his third year at W-L and since his arrival, he’s been an invaluable member of the W-L Family. His smile greets students as they enter his classroom and he teaches history with passion and intention. This year he is teaching AP African American History. In the face of national angst and disinformation about this class, he has been a rock of courage, speaking truth to power and doing so with compassion for all his students! He’s representative of a true APS All Star!

Darlene Garretson

Carlin Springs


Creative, Dedicated, Bighearted, Passionate, Inclusive

Ms. Garretson is a passionate and loved Special Education Assistant at Carlin Springs; however, you may know her as someone who supports and connects with our entire school community through love and action. She utilizes her creative talents to make posters, create displays, and showcase artwork to adorn our school hallways – all with a theme to promote positivity, celebrate our school’s diversity, languages, and cultures and highlight inclusiveness.

She brings her artistic skills to our after-school program as she facilitates arts clubs. Students get their hands dirty, learn new and exciting crafting skills and create projects to take home and gift to their families.

During the summer months, you’ll find Ms. Garretson helping lead our Popsicles In the Park reading program at our neighborhood Tyrol Hill Park, reading aloud stories, handing out popsicles, playing music and encouraging families to meet one another and bringing home free books to add to their home libraries. We are so very fortunate to have Ms. Garretson as part of our community and team, helping make our school special, warm and safe.

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