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Superintendent’s Dec. 13, 2023 Update

Dear APS Families,

With one more week until Winter Break, I want to thank you for being part of the APS community and entrusting us with the education of your students. We are incredibly proud of the progress students made in the first half of the year and look forward to seeing their continued growth in 2024. The following is an update on a few key long-term planning items that the School Board will act on this Thursday, along with resources to assist families in need over the break.

Capital Improvement Plan (CIP): On Thursday, the School Board will vote on the direction for the CIP, which is important because it will guide the development of the Proposed FY 2025-34 CIP that will be presented in May 2024. Each CIP typically includes current projects with their respective cost and timeline for completion and potential projects with placeholder costs that the School Board wants to study for consideration in future CIPs.

The CIP Direction includes ongoing projects such as the kitchen and security vestibule renovations, synthetic turf field replacements and major infrastructure projects. It also includes funding for future phases of the Arlington Career Center (ACC) Campus project and relocation of Montessori Public School of Arlington, as well as the Trade Center Utilization Study. In addition, the CIP Direction recommends incorporating feasibility (deep dive) studies to determine the priority for upcoming school renovations. Learn more.

The CIP will be shared with the community in May and the community will have multiple opportunities to provide feedback on it before it is finalized, which includes a public hearing on the CIP. Learn more about the Development of the FY 2025-34 CIP.

The Board will also vote on the 2024-25 and 2025-26 School Year Calendars and the APS 2024-2030 Strategic Plan Foundations, which include the revised APS mission, vision, values, and goals. The presentations are available on BoardDocs.

Supporting Neighbors in Need: During the break, the resources below are available to anyone in our community who may need extra assistance with food or other necessities while schools are closed.

  • For immediate emergencies, dial 911.
  • If you or someone is in emotional distress call or text 988 or use the online chat at www.988lifeline.org. American Sign Language (ASL) services can be accessed at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or at www.988lifeline.org.
  • Arlington County Emergency Mental Health Services website or 703-228-5160
  • Arlington County Food Assistance website or 703-228-1300
  • Arlington County Homelessness website or 703-228-1300. For shelter needs during non-business hours, call 703-228-1010.

Additional resources may be found on the APS Mental Health Resources website or the Arlington County Behavioral Healthcare website.

Thank you for your ongoing partnership.

Dr. Francisco Durán

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