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Priority Teams present 2024-30 Strategic Plan Recommendation to Superintendent

On May 8, the Priority teams delivered their recommendation to the Superintendent that included performance objectives, strategies, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the 2024-30 APS Strategic Plan. The recommendation included over 170 edits to the draft shared in March in response to the feedback received from students, staff, parents and community members during the Spring 2024 engagement process.

On May 30, a work session is planned to gather feedback from School Board members. The Superintendent’s proposed 2024-30 Strategic Plan will be presented to the School Board as an information item on June 6 and for action at the June 20 School Board Meeting. Visit the Development of the 2024-30-Strategic Plan webpage to learn more and stay up to date. Please email engage@apsva.us if you have any questions about the development process.

Additional Details
In December 2023, following several months of development and community engagement, the School Board adopted the 2024-30 Strategic Plan Foundations that included updates to the Mission, Vision, Core Values and Priorities of the school division. In January, APS organized five teams corresponding to each of the five strategic priorities that were adopted by the School Board. The Priority teams were composed of between 15-20 district and school leaders, teachers, subject matter experts, as well as students. The Priority teams convened beginning in February to work monthly on developing and refining performance objectives, strategies, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the 2024-30 APS Strategic Plan. In April, the initial draft was shared with the APS community for feedback and throughout the month APS engaged in the third phase of gathering stakeholder feedback.

The third phase of engagement mirrored the comprehensive approach taken in the fall that included gathering feedback through a community questionnaire, virtual community forums, and focus groups with students, parents, staff, and community group representatives. There were 1,237 total responses to the questionnaire including 252 from students, 289 from teachers and staff, and 696 from parent/community members. About 369 individuals participated in one of over 45 focus groups conducted with students at all middle and high schools and separate focus group sessions for community, parents, teachers, and staff. Staff focus groups were organized by employee scale and in some instances with employee groups such as the Teachers Council for Instruction (TCI). Please see the Spring 2024 community engagement summary report for details on the process and feedback collected. The feedback collected during the Spring engagement was used to inform revisions to the draft performance objectives, strategies, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure the plan reflected thoughtful consideration of the diverse perspectives shared.

For additional information, visit the Strategic Plan Engage webpage.

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