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APS and the Environment

APS recognizes the importance of being active stewards in protecting our environment and promoting sustainability throughout our district.

We are committed to energy and environmental conservation incorporating sustainability goals into our daily instruction and school operations. We aim to minimize our carbon footprint and emissions and invite our community to join us in this partnership.

APS Recycles!

APS students learn in the classroom and throughout school about recycling and how the proper management of recycling efforts can help contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable community and environment.

thumbnail of recycling

Energy Saving Tips

  1. Open your windows in the early morning and late afternoon to let the fresh air and cool breeze into your home. Continue to change your filters monthly. Dirty filters prevent proper air flow throughout your home and can also cause indoor air quality issues.
  2. On a beautiful day, hang your laundry outside on a line to dry.
  3. Start up your grill and enjoy your meals outdoors. Turn off the hot oven or stove and head outside.
  4. If your home has a ceiling fan switch it on when you are home to move the cool air around.
  5. Set your hot water heater to 120 degrees and make sure to insulate it.  Insulate the pipe that leads from the water heater at least 5 feet. You can save 7-11% of your water heating costs.
  6. Check out new LED light bulbs and try a few out in your home. Many more options are available and these bulbs will reduce your energy use and heat load.
  7. When purchasing new appliances or computers look for the Energy Star label.
  8. Shorten your shower by a minute or two and you’ll save up to 150 gallons per month.

Federal Energy Management Program for your Home

More Energy Saving Tips

green-plugArlington County’s Energy Lending Library

Plug into the first Energy Lending Library in the country, offered by Arlington County. The collection includes thermal imaging cameras, energy meters and books that will help residents identify areas of energy waste in their homes. The Energy Lending Library was created by the Arlington Initiative to Rethink Energy (AIRE) in partnership with Arlington Public Library.



Get involved!

The Superintendent’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability (SACS) provides recommendations to the Superintendent to achieve Arlington Public Schools’ (APS) sustainability objectives.

Learn More about the SACS

Environmental Partners

APS recognizes the important role community partners play in helping us reach our energy and environmental conservation goals. Many of our schools work with local organizations such as the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) and their Plot Against Hunger Program. In addition, APS works closely with Arlington County in their energy efforts and has been involved in the on-going Community Energy Plan. Our Partners include: