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Twice Exceptional (2e) Students

APS provides a responsive educational experience that meets the socio-emotional and academic needs of twice exceptional (2e) learners.

2e-pdf-11.2ATwice-exceptional students, also known as 2e, exhibit significant characteristics of both advanced academic abilities and learning disabilities.

APS delivers 2e services that are:

  • provided in a least-restrictive environment, across all levels and course offerings;
  • appropriate to the student’s needs and flexible in delivery within individual student’s schedules;
  • consistently provided across schools and grade levels; and
  • include IEP service hours and accommodations in all classes.


We believe that all staff should fully understand the profile of 2e learners and appropriate resources to support the individual needs of these students.


Accommodations are supports and services provided to help a student access the general education curriculum and validly demonstrate learning.

Examples of accommodations:


  • Audio-version of texts
  • Large print
  • Magnification devices
  • Visual cues
  • Written notes
  • Outlines


  • Use of calculator
  • Scribe
  • Word processor


  • Extended time to take a test or finish homework
  • Multiple or frequent breaks
  • Test over multiple days


  • Preferential seating
  • Taking tests in a distraction-free room


Differentiated Instruction: The way in which a teacher plans and responds to a variety of student needs in the classroom. Teachers differentiate by modifying the content (what is taught), the process (how it’s taught), and/or the product (how students demonstrate their learning).  Differentiation meets each student where he/she is and maximizes opportunities for success.

Early Identification and Intervention

Special Education Identification and Eligibility

Students suspected of having a disability that requires specialized instruction should be referred to a Student Study Committee at their local school.  Children between the ages of 2 and 5 can be referred to the APS Child Find Program.

Gifted Services Eligibility

The identification and eligibility of students for gifted services is a multi-step process that includes screening, referral, and identification. A student may be considered for gifted identification at any time during his or her K-12 school career in one or more of the following areas:

  • Specific academic aptitude in English language arts, math, science, social studies (K-12)
  • Visual and/or performing arts aptitude (3-12)

Students must be enrolled in Arlington Public Schools (K-12) to be considered for the eligibility process. Read more

Executive Functioning Support

Executive function and self-regulation skills are the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully.


  • Take step-by-step approaches to work; rely on visual organizational aids
  • Use tools such as time organizers, computers, or watches with alarms
  • Prepare visual schedules and review them several times a day
  • Ask for written directions with oral instructions whenever possible
  • Plan and structure transition times and shifts in activities
  • Model higher-order thinking skills – judgment, prioritizing, setting goals, providing self-feedback

Managing time

  • Create checklists and “to do” lists, estimating how long tasks will take
  • Break long assignments into chunks and assign time frames for completing each chunk
  • Use visual calendars to keep track of long term assignments, due dates, chores, and activities
  • Use time management apps

Managing space and materials

  • Organize work space
  • Minimize clutter
  • Consider having separate work areas with complete sets of supplies for different activities
  • Schedule a weekly time to clean and organize the work space

Managing work

Additional Resources 


  • Knowing and believing in yourself
  • Knowing what you want your future to be like and how to make plans to achieve this future
  • Knowing the support you need to take control of your life

Core components

  • Choice making
  • Decision making
  • Problem solving
  • Goal setting
  • Self-advocacy
  • Leadership
  • Self-reinforcement
  • Self-awareness

Strategies for teaching self-determination

Social and Emotional Learning

Core Components/Domains

  • Casual interaction skills
  • Play/leisure skills
  • Self-regulation skills
  • Conversational skills
  • Perspective-taking skills
  • Social problem solving/critical thinking skills
  • Friendship skills
  • Life skills

 Strategies for Teaching Social-Emotional Skills

  • Utilize peer-mediated strategies, such as cooperative learning, peer assisted learning, modeling and reinforcement
  • Teach and utilize self-mediated interventions, such as self-evaluation, goal-setting and self-monitoring
  • Utilize evidence-based strategies designed to address specific needs of each learner
    • Video modeling
    • Positive behavioral supports
    • Social skills training
    • Antecedent-based interventions
    • Social narratives
    • Computer-aided instruction
    • Task analysis
    • Peer-assisted learning and self-management
    • Visual supports for social understanding, behavioral expectations, and school routines
  • Implement systems that provide acknowledgement and feedback to students regarding their social-emotional skills, such as:
    • Role-playing
    • Scripting and rehearsal
    • Behavior mapping
    • Conferencing/CICO systems (Check In, Check Out)
  • Utilize students’ strengths and interests to teach and reinforce the acquisition of social-emotional skills
  • Utilize specific curricula designed to teach social-emotional learning
  • Embed instruction throughout the school day, to promote and reinforce generalization of skills

Internet Resources

Additional Resources

Virginia Department of Education

VDOE has a few resources to support parents and teachers in identifying and serving 2e learners.

Twice – Exceptional Newsletter http://2enewsletter.com

Bi-monthly newsletter that addresses different areas of learning challenges for students who are gifted and who have a learning disability.Helpful articles, strategies, resources, research and recommended books are shared for teachers and parents.

National Association for the Gifted (NAGC) http://www.nagc.org

NAGC is the national organization for gifted education.  This site shares research, common myths, resources, hot topics and has a frequently asked questions to support administrators, teachers and parents.

Uniquely Gifted https://www.uniquelygifted.org

This site offers resources designed to support teachers and parents of gifted children with learning challenges.  This resource includes articles, recommended books and information on specific areas of struggle.

LD Online https://www.ldonline.org

Many articles, recommendations and strategies for twice exceptional children.