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APS All Stars Announced for December 2023

APS is proud to announce its next five recipients from the national award-winning APS All Stars program! These exceptional staff members exemplify excellence in collaboration, equity and innovation. They are the backbone of our community, tirelessly working to create a positive, supportive environment for colleagues, students and families. Their dedication aligns perfectly with our mission– ensuring every student thrives in a nurturing and inclusive learning space. Join us in celebrating these inspirational role models who make a real difference in APS and beyond.

Katie Ross

Leader and Learner

Ms. Ross is a dedicated professional who goes “above and beyond” to ensure all students and staff learn, have fun, and engage at Taylor Elementary. She is the Instructional Lead Teacher, Science Lead Teacher, STEAM teacher and Girls on the Run coach. She is the staff social committee co-chair. With all of her “hats,” one would expect her to do to her job well. But Ms. Ross does more! She plans, prepares, organizes, and single-handedly coordinates the school-wide STEAM days along with all of the design briefs and materials. She leads staff meetings teaching staff members how to better incorporate engineering and design elements into lessons while following the APS curriculum and pacing.

Ms. Ross makes learning fun and engaging. Students love weekly STEAM classes looking forward to designing and building. Students stop to talk to her in hallways, seek her advice before and after school, and know she is a trusted adult. The Girls on the Run program at Taylor is successful because Ms. Ross leads this team with weekly practices and daily encouragement. Ms. Ross is vital to the Taylor community. Ms. Ross exemplifies what it means to be a leader and learner. With Ms. Ross, Taylor thrives. With Ms. Ross, APS is stronger!

Aletha Keogh

Positive kind professional dedicated knowledgeable

Mrs. Keogh is an exemplary educator who deserves the APS All Star Award. Her unwavering dedication to fostering a positive learning environment is evident in every aspect of her teaching. Mrs. Keough goes above and beyond to ensure that her students grasp academic concepts and develop socioemotional skills. Her innovative teaching methods captivate her students’ attention, making learning an enjoyable and memorable experience. She tailors her art lessons to accommodate diverse learning styles, creating an inclusive atmosphere that celebrates each student’s unique strengths.

Beyond the classroom, Mrs. Keough’s impact extends to the school community at large. She actively participates in various extracurricular activities, demonstrating her commitment to the holistic development of her students. Whether organizing educational activities such as STEM night, partnering with Wakefield to lead student activities, or volunteering to maintain school bulletins up-to-date with cultural celebrations, Mrs. Keogh consistently proves herself to be a dedicated advocate for the well-being and growth of her students.

Her passion for education extends beyond the confines of the school, as she engages in continuous professional development to stay abreast of the latest teaching methodologies and educational trends. Mrs. Keogh’s colleagues recognize her as a collaborative and supportive team member, always willing to share her expertise and insights with others.

Mrs. Keogh’s exceptional commitment to education, innovative teaching methods, and positive impact on students and the school community make her an outstanding candidate for the APS All Star Award. Her influence transcends the classroom, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of those she teaches and inspiring admiration from her peers.

Gari Requena

Empathetic Ineffable Examplar Adaptable Indomitable

I am writing to enthusiastically nominate Mr. Requena for the APS All-Star recognition. As a valued member of our safety team, Mr. Requena consistently demonstrates a commitment to excellence, going above and beyond in his role each day.

One of the remarkable qualities that sets Mr. Requena apart is his unwavering dedication to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for both staff and students. His genuine concern for the well-being of those around him is evident in his daily actions. Mr. Requena not only ensures the physical safety of our school but also takes the time to connect with individuals on a personal level.

I would like to share a particularly touching example of Mr. Requena’s impact on our community. We have a student with Down syndrome who, unfortunately, had developed a fear of safety personnel due to previous experiences. This student associated safety with the police, which caused distress.

Mr. Requena, with his characteristic warmth and empathy, took it upon himself to address this situation. He invested time in getting to know the student, patiently building trust and understanding. Through his genuine efforts, Mr. Requena helped the student overcome his fears, and now the student not only feels safe but also considers Mr. Requena a cherished “friend.”

This is just one instance that exemplifies Mr. Requena’s exceptional commitment to creating a positive and inclusive school environment. His approachability, kindness, and proactive efforts to connect with both staff and students make him an invaluable asset to our community. In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Mr. Requena for the APS All-Star recognition. His dedication, kindness, and the positive impact he has on those around him make him truly deserving of this honor.

Yesenia Martinez

Arlington Career Center
Dependable Caring Understanding Loyal Confident

Ms. Yesenia Martinez is a phenomenal bilingual liaison whose presence and support is felt in every corner of our school. On most days you will find her giving a daily briefing to our morning announcements team, mentoring moms enrolled in our Teen Parent Program, or organizing weekly food distribution for our students as the chief liaison for our “Food for Neighbors” food pantry partnership. Regardless of the task, Ms. Martinez goes above and beyond, and always with a smile on her face!  It is her mission to provide for the students and families in our community who are in need, whether that need is for food, clothing, shelter, or academic support. Ms. Martinez is a Family and Community Engagement (FACE) team member, and often facilitates and hosts the parent group “Grupo Hispano,” which helps develop stronger connections between our educators, parents, and students. She takes her role one step further by translating syllabi for teachers at the start of the school year and by supporting teachers throughout the year by making phone calls to underrepresented Spanish-speaking families as a follow-up on each student’s academic performance goals. These are just a few of the reasons we believe Ms. Martinez is an APS All Star, and we wholeheartedly believe that she deserves this honor!

Micaela Pond

Positive resilient passionate committed powerful

Ms. Pond (or Coach Pond as her students call her) is an all-star!  She has been a proud Escuela Key staff member for decades, passionate about the benefits of dual language programming.  Ms. Pond has been a tremendous advocate for gifted learners and has mentored dozens of Advanced Academics Coaches over her tenure in APS.

She has had a tough couple of years, but through each trauma, she and her family have endured, she has persevered and kept her smile and positive mindset throughout. Ms. Pond is a resilient woman, a passionate and powerful grass-roots community organizer, and an exemplary educator and she truly embodies the best of APS!

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