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APS All Stars Announced for October 2023

Melissa Hyatt

Dynamic Powerful Effective Giving Tireless

Ms. Hyatt is an all-around all-star! She embodies the heart of our school, always ready, willing, and able to do anything to move students and teachers forward. She gladly embraces “other duties as assigned” beyond the expectations of her ITC role on a daily basis. Ms. Hyatt is involved in classrooms, in committees, in assemblies, in duties and after-school and weekend events. She has made our school more physically inviting with her Cricut design aesthetic, and she has made kids want to come to school with her warm and caring persona.

Courtney Riley

Arlington Traditional
Dedicated Resourceful Flexible Kind Collaborative

Ms. Riley is a Special Education teacher and a former APS special education student. She is extremely dedicated to her students and always knows them by name, need and strength. She provides the students on her caseload with consistency, proper scaffolding and the high expectations they deserve. She collaborates regularly with her team and the parents. The positive relationships she builds translates to the success of her students. Ms. Riley keeps everyone informed of the student’s needs and finds creative ways to solve issues if they arise. Even if that means getting Cherry The Panda to school on a different bus so one of our autistic students will have a successful day. Ms. Riley goes above and beyond every day for her students and it is reflected in their joy to see her and their academic, social and emotional gains. Thank you Ms. Riley!

Denis Babichenko

Supports Students to Achieve High

Mr. Babichenko has had the greatest impact on my kids’ academic growth — skills, content, organization, self-discipline — of any of their teachers (and they have had so many fantastic teachers!). Mr. Babichenko runs very rigorous classes and holds students to very high standards, and he gives them constant support to be able to grow to meet those standards. He dedicates so much time to office hours and one-on-one help sessions, he responds to student emails right away and he always provides robust feedback on student work. This support and feedback have a huge impact on student progress.

Greg Chapuis

Intelligent Caring Empathetic Problem Solver

Please please please consider Mr. Chapuis for an APS All-Star. In the 20 years Mr. Chapuis has worked at Oakridge, he has worn lots of different hats from teacher, RTG and event Math Coach as he willingly and excitedly responds to the needs of his school. He is respected by students, teachers, and families for his patience, expertise and all-around amazing attitude. Mr. Chapuis is SUPER hard-working and dedicated to his craft. He supports teachers to build their capacity to be the best math teachers they can be. He epitomizes the BEST we have in APS!

Leah Atwa

Leader Adaptive Compassionate Courageous Prepared

I am writing to nominate an exceptional individual Ms. Atwa for the APS All-Star Award. Her dedication, kindness, and unwavering commitment to the deaf and hard-of-hearing program make her a true inspiration.

As an educational interpreter and Access Provider Liaison (APL), Ms. Atwa has consistently gone above and beyond her role, surpassing expectations and making a lifetime impact on the lives of the students she serves. Her exceptional ability to provide accessible language to the students, with her genuine care and compassion is so inspiring and transformative.

Ms. Atwa stands out for her remarkable commitment to ensuring every student feels valued and supported. She possesses an innate ability to understand and adapt to the unique needs of each individual, creating an inclusive and empowering learning environment.

One of the most remarkable qualities of Ms. Atwa is her unwavering willingness to step up and help whenever needed. She is always prepared to go the extra mile to ensure her students’ success, whether it involves preparing additional materials or collaborating with teachers and administrators to best serve our students. Her unwavering support has inspired countless students to believe in their abilities and strive for excellence.

In addition to her exceptional professional skills, Ms. Atwa possesses a heart full of compassion and kindness. She takes the time to build strong relationships with her students, providing a safe space for them to express their thoughts and concerns. She is patient, understanding and encourages student growth both academically and personally. She consistently exhibits empathy and respect, fostering an environment where students feel comfortable to be themselves and reach their full potential.

Ms. Atwa puts her students first in every decision and action she takes. She understands the immense impact that education can have on the lives of individuals, particularly those who face unique challenges. With her remarkable ability to connect and her relentless dedication, she has transformed the educational experiences of her students. She has become a beacon of inspiration for both our deaf and hard-of-hearing students and D/HH staff at Fleet.

I wholeheartedly recommend Ms. Atwa for the APS All Stars award, as she continues to touch lives and make a lasting difference in our students’ lives at Fleet.

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