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APS Students Receive Three National Cappies Awards at the Kennedy Center

Cappies logoThis year, both Yorktown High School and Wakefield High School were nominated for a combined 17 nominations in technical, dance, musical and performance categories for their productions of Les Misérables (Yorktown HS), and The Prom (Wakefield HS). Three APS winners were announced at a gala on June 10.

  • TJ Schultz, and the Yorktown Sound Crew were awarded for Best Sound.
  • Ryan Schimenti who played Thénardier in Les Misérables won the award of Comic Actor in a Male Role in a Musical.
  • Bella Houston won Supporting Actor in a Female Role in a Musical for her portrayal of Éponine in Les Misérables.

The Cappies (Critics and Awards Program) is an international program that recognizes, celebrates, and provides learning experiences for high school theater and journalism students, and teenage playwrights. Within each Cappies program, every participating high school selects three to nine students for a critic team. The student critics also determine who will be placed on a Cappies award ballot in each of 39 award categories. At the end of the season, the critics who have reviewed five or more shows may vote for the Cappies award winners. In the National Capital Area, the Gala awards ceremony was held at the Kennedy Center

on June 10.

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