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Bullying Prevention Lessons

In response to feedback from families and students in the 2024 Your Voice Matters survey, as well as through community and individual conversations, APS has created additional lessons to help prevent bullying and harassment in schools. To engage our students in these meaningful discussions, students will participate in bullying prevention lessons facilitated by their Student Services teams, including counselors, school psychologists, and school social workers. These lessons will be delivered in grades K-12 beginning in October, National Bullying Prevention Month, and will cover:

  1. Understanding Bullying Behavior: Students will learn definitions related to bullying, types of bullying, the impact of bullying behavior, and review the APS Student Code of Conduct.
  2. Understanding Identity: Students will learn about the concept of identity and discuss various aspects that make each person unique. Students will explore the importance of recognizing and valuing the similarities and differences in our school community.
  3. Practicing Upstanding Behavior: Through scenarios, students will learn how to report bullying and learn strategies for being an upstander (individuals who stand up for others in a respectful and supportive way)

These prevention lessons were designed to meet Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) standards. These lessons are also aligned with CASEL’s five SEL competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Decision Making. Additional bullying prevention resources are available online.

Tips for Parents/Caregivers: To continue the learning and conversation at home, families may follow these tips and suggestions:

  • Ask your child to share what they learned through their bullying prevention lessons.
  • Explore the topic of bullying further, and ask, Why do you think bullying happens? How does it make you feel? What would you do if you saw someone being bullied?
  • Explain to your child that everyone should be safe in school and in society. Bullying and harassment is wrong and hurtful, and it is everyone’s responsibility to reject it.
  • Discuss different ways that bullying harms students, teachers/staff, a school community, families, etc. Read books or watch shows together that celebrate our diversity and talk about the importance of being kind and inclusive to everyone.

Through these lessons, we can strengthen our school communities and foster empathy, respect for differences, and kindness. If you have questions about how you can support bullying prevention at your child’s school, please contact your student’s teacher or school counselor. Together, we can create a community of upstanders that works to eliminate bullying in our community.

For questions, please contact Dr. Kristin Devaney, Supervisor, Student Services, at student.services@apsva.us or 703-228-6061.

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