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Page Directory Group: Programs / Services

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

May 12, 2020

Arlington Public Schools believes that learning and working in diverse settings has many positive impacts on students, educators, and...

Report Cards

February 14, 2020

APS issues report cards to families four times a year. In addition, families of students in grades 6-12 are...

Special Education Process

August 21, 2019

Identifying a student as eligible for special education services is a carefully managed process guided by State and Federal...

Bus Transportation

April 1, 2019

Free school bus transportation is provided to and from school for students living beyond a 1-mile walking distance from...

Countywide Special Education Programs

March 21, 2019

In order to most effectively meet the needs of students with specialized needs, APS has established a variety of...


January 23, 2019

FERPA (Student Records)The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student...

Your Voice Matters @ APS Survey Insights

October 10, 2018

Safety, Security & Emergency Management

August 7, 2018


January 11, 2018

Superintendent’s Advisory Committee On Sustainability

February 16, 2017

The purpose of the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability (SACS) is to provide recommendations to the Superintendent to achieve...