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Superintendent’s Jan.31, 2024 Update

Dear APS Families,

Today begins the third quarter of the school year, and I want to thank you for your ongoing partnership in your student’s education and success. As we look ahead to February, the following are important updates and key dates to remember.

  • Dual Language Immersion in APS: At last week’s School Board meeting, I highlighted Dual Language Immersion in APS, our transition to the 80:20 model (80% Spanish Instruction: 20% English Instruction) and our Dual Language Immersion program schools: Claremont, Escuela Key, Gunston, and Wakefield. The research consistently shows significant benefits to both Spanish and non-Spanish speakers. Learn more about Dual Language Immersion.
  • WIDA Testing Reminder: WIDA ACCESS for English Language Learners takes place between Jan. 16 and Mar. 14. This is the annual English language proficiency assessment given to approximately 5,600 students in APS who are eligible for English learner services. The results will provide information about English learners’ progress toward English language proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
  • Other Key Dates Coming Up: February is Black History Month, and our schools will be celebrating throughout the month with a variety of activities. 7 is Countywide Early Release for all students and a professional learning day for our staff. In addition, February 19 is the Presidents Day holiday with no school for students.

Thank you and enjoy the rest of your week!


Dr. Francisco Durán

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